Nov 30, 2022
This week on Admiralty Blues: Car Theft! Stealth Action! Chasms
(and the leaping across thereof)!
The Gang approach Venus Vale while stormclouds gather and Parnassus
builds bonds.
Meanwhile, Cody takes some candid footage and Morgana becomes a
People Person.
Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out the...
Nov 23, 2022
Welcome back to Saint F.M!
This week there are special guests in the Studio as Mercury
Squadron from hit ABC show 'Admiralty Blues' are here to answer
Your Questions!
What are Sashi's top junkyard scavenging tips?
What is Garold's Problem?
How many Lornese Ibises does it take to tear apart a man?
Keep tuned to this...
Nov 13, 2022
Content Warnings in this episode for discussions involving Suicidal Ideation, Eating Disorders, Insects, and Parasites.
It's part two of the 2022 Q&A!
In this episode we finish up the 'out of character questions',
covering some of the more involved topics, including, but not
limited to:
Design notes about the New Line...
Nov 2, 2022
It's part one of the 2022 Q&A!
You submitted your questions through our twitter and discord, and
we once again attempted to answer them! In this episode, learn:
What on Sirvon a 'Gack' is!
What Sashi wears a big foam finger for!
And What Kookaburras have to do with anything at all!
Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on...