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Admiralty Blues

Jan 27, 2021

The squad get their new mission briefing, taking them to the desolate Helikon Peak. But first they must cross the desert: gearing-up montage included.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on twitter
Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's accessible from the Twitter.
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod

Jan 20, 2021

Following their night out, Gary is inflicted with regret and Proteus is inflicted with Caribou. Meanwhile, Watt and Morgana make their own fun in their own unique ways.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on twitter
Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's accessible from the Twitter.
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin...

Jan 13, 2021

Poseidon Point has been saved, and now it’s time to kick back and enjoy the rewards! Proteus and Gary go on a two-man-two-bar pub crawl, and there’s a “new” arrival on the Duchess.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out our Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin...

Jan 6, 2021

The cast are taking a New Year break and will be back on the 13th! Until then, here's Caribou.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out our Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod
This episode also features Hot Swing by Kevin MacLeod.
Licensed under Creative Commons:...