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Admiralty Blues

May 31, 2022

It's another action-packed, rip-roaring episode this week. 
Garold has a flashback, Sashi has a montage and Captain Marlon Hart has an action sequence.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter

Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod

May 25, 2022

This week: a Man, a Plan, a Canal- The Grand Strait! Caribou and Valentine perform some Community Outreach, Proteus and Sashi pull a Scooby Doo, and Garold develops some handmade ordinance...

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter

Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is...

May 11, 2022

This time: Garold reaches a whole new level of angry, Proteus and Sashi collaborate on some live theatre and Meredith has a long, hard think about the events that led her to this.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter

Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by...

May 4, 2022

Floating Fracas in the Seas of Sirvon!
While Garold faces off against a fiendish foe, Boney Joe, Sashi and Valentine team up with the erstwhile defenders of Naramere. 
Water will happen next? Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter

Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is...