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Admiralty Blues

Oct 26, 2022

Lieutenant Patterson takes command!

A new configuration of Mercury Squadron investigates both the mission to come, and their new team mates.

Beeps, deeps, and sleeps abound as we start the journey to Venus Vale.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter

Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to...

Oct 12, 2022

You've not got long left to submit your questions for this year's Q&A - send that through to the twitter below or via the Discord.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter

Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod

Oct 5, 2022

Briefings, entanglements, beginnings and ends.
Helloes and goodbyes.
Mercury Squadron get their new mission - but who'll be accompanying them?

You've got a few weeks to submit your questions for this year's Q&A - send that through to the twitter below or via the Discord.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
