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Admiralty Blues

Sep 30, 2020

With the local comms restored, it’s time to get down to downtime, though between all the mechs that need patching up, Gary getting riled up, and the sudden need for salvage, it maybe isn’t as relaxing as hoped!


Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on twitter

Check out our new Admiralty Blues Discord! It's accessible...

Sep 23, 2020

Between Gary scrapping on the ground, Valentine assaulting from the Hobby Horse, and Proteus maybe causing an ecological disaster, can Mercury Squadron finally take out the Corn Snakes for good?

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on twitter
Check out our new Admiralty Blues Discord! It's accessible from the twitter.

Sep 16, 2020

Now thoroughly in the thick of it, Mercury Squadron get to work knocking the grease out of these greasers and dodging real actual beam sabers, all while looking nowhere near as cool as they’d like.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on twitter
Check out our new Admiralty Blues Discord! It's accessible from...

Sep 9, 2020

With the Corn Snakes set on rattling Mercury Squadron, there's no choice but to fight! Mechs and pilots are sent flying, suffering both beams and sabers, and Proteus suffers a devastating loss.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod

Sep 2, 2020

Mercury Squadron have started to rustle the metaphorical feathers of local ne'er-do-wells the Corn Snakes, while teammate Caribou is pinned down and her mech stuck in the mudflats!

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod