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Admiralty Blues

Mar 31, 2021

The counter-ambush begins! Can Mercury Squadron talk down their foes, or must they resort to the usual mayhem?

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod

Mar 24, 2021

Critical discoveries in the archives finally start to lead Mercury Squadron to the truth - but is it too late?

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by Kevin Macleod

Mar 17, 2021

Proceeding into the archives of Helikon Beta in pursuit of the P.U.P.P.E.R., the squad splits to cover the suspiciously light and breezy upper levels and the dark and scary lower ones.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted...

Mar 10, 2021

Continuing with their investigation into Specialist Swayze’s disappearance, Caribou searches for that good good drone and Watt impresses some new friends with top tier robot comedy.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted...

Mar 3, 2021

Commander Meredith Scott introduces herself and explains the situation, Proteus sneaks off for mind-games in the toilet, and the robots continue to do their covert robot stuff.

Follow the show @AdmiraltyBlues on Twitter
Check out the Admiralty Blues Discord! It's pinned to the Twitter
The show's theme is Twisted by...